Volta FA committed to offer business platforms to stakeholders

The 2024/25 Ordinary Session of Congress of the Volta Football Association came to light this afternoon at the Ho Municipal Assembly Conference room on Thursday October 3, 2024.

Hundreds of football stakeholders emanating from club representatives, District and Municipal Football Chairmen as well as dignitaries were in full attendance to honor the mandatory event.

At the event, the chairman of the Regional Football Association for Volta, Mr. Daniel Agbogah enumerated the successes the association has chalked over the year under review, stating the importance to forge ahead into the new season with a positive mindset and the hope to deliver on a better note than previous season has brought.

Among some of the keynote delivered, the Volta FA Chair emphasised the need to support club owners and administrators by making available the right business platforms.

Mr. Agbogah in his address said, he and his team of Executive Council members are determined to extend their support in helping all football entrepreneurs/stakeholders acquire the necessary business in the game of football.

“Football, however is a social business, and we, the Exco are committed to working hard to ensure that you are offered a lot more business platforms for you to explore further”

This however does not only bring relief to the numerous club owners present but a hope of improving football businesses in the region.

Mr. Gideon Fosu, who on behalf of GFA President and double as the Executive Council member of the GFA commended Mr. Agbogah and the Executive Council for organizing what he described as an outstanding league last season. He urged the region to ensure grassroot football is developed as it is a key area of Mr. Edwin S. E Okraku.

November 9th is slated for the start of the Regional Division Two league.

VRFA Communications

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